Version 1.3.1

Bug Fixes

  • Updated enquiry export functions to resolve existing bug
  • Ensured that getting a car title falls back to the vehicle name if no car title is set
  • Added campaignName to record sessionInfo.campaignName
  • Added validation on enquiry import to validate the crm id
  • Improved code consistency by using an ‘empty’ check on crmId in line with createEnquiryExport
  • Handled uninitialised variables in the CSV row object processor
  • Added a cascade delete option for facebook -> facebook pixel
  • Formatted impressions value for better readability
  • Added an impressions column to the Campaign Results table
  • Modified campaign label cell styling to span over two lines
  • Set a maximum width for the campaign label to make the Total column visible
  • Formatted json value under the Extras (JSON) field in Stock Settings
  • Switched the positions of the toggle switch and view guide button